Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Hey. My name isn't really Evon. It's something boring. Who wants that?

This blog started out as me making up a character (to put in a book or something), but then I decided to make a character... out of me? Does that sound weird? Well, whatever I write in this blog, is true, but maybe the names might be changed around a bit... because it makes it more fun for me and I don't want to hurt any body's feelings.

I turned thirteen in December, but I'm in a grade with 14-15 year olds. Not a genius. Just a late birthday.

I'm a random, babbling person, but only because I have a short attention span. Really, I'm not stupid or anything!

I want to be a writer, but that isn't very creative! Anthropology is cool.

Have you ever wondered why vampire books were so popular? I do frequently. I think its from a lack of creativity. My goal in life is to write some little book about vampires, but make it s out there that no one really thinks of it as a vampire book.

Dang. That was off topic.

Anyway. Here I am!

The only problem (uh... Evon? You're going off topic again) about the whole writing thing is that I'm in a slump. What's a slump, you may ask. Well, dear reader, I'm not absolutely sure, but I have diagnosed my self with "Writers Slump" meaning everything I write sounds like poo.

I don't like long posts, either, because I tend to ramble. I also enjoy leaving messed up comments, though sometimes I'm serious. If you get one, don't be offended.


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