Thursday, March 12, 2009


Oh! Who predicted the Jorge and Jasmine thing?? ME!

I had the Math Assessment today. New York man. They seriously load you up on the tests.

I'm in the Best Buddies club, which is pretty nation-wide, so it might sound familiar. It's when people who have friends (in this case, me) are paired up with kids who have no friends and become "Buddies".

My buddy is a little dude name Lewis who is in my grade, and most people hate him. Poor guy, I know. His twin is also in the club partnered up with my friend, Jan.

Anyways, Lewis has this weird thing about hugging me. "Evon! Huggy!" all the time. It is so awkward and I have no idea how to stop it nicely.

One of my best friends name is Zeke and he normally rocks, but he hates Lewis with a passion. i think they got into a fight once, but anyways after Lewis hugs me in the hallway, Zeke goes up to him and is like "Stop hugging her. She doesn't like it and it's weird."

I tried pulling him away and succeeded, but Lewis and Zeke are in my health class and after class Lewis is like "Hey Evon!"

I replied. "What's up Lewis."

Zeke steps in front of me and we start talking about random stuff when Lewis pushes his way in and says something that sounded kind of like a joke. Zeke rolled his and Lewis puffed up his chest and said "She's my friend too Zeke! Evon, this guy is a bad influence." WHAT?

He kind of did this weird touchy thing on Zeke's arm and Zeke shouted, "What was that? Don't. Touch. Me."

My friend Gabby yanked me out of there and I took Zeke with me all the while trying to avoid Lewis in the hallway.

I feel really horrible about all of this. I like Lewis (sometimes) since he can be nice, but this is just weird and I feel grossed out when he touches me and no matter how many times I shake my head I always hear "Huggy!" in the halls. Isn't that sexual harassment?

I guess I have to be firm about it so Lewis doesn't keep getting my sweatshirts dirty.

Wow. I re-read that sentence and realize how horrible it is. Why don't I backspace it? because its too true.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Drama and Pleasure of Wednesday

I've never had a real problem with Wednesdays until this year. Now, it seems like this particular day is out to get me. Especially today.

My friends are probably some of the best I'll ever have, but there's only so much drama a girl can take. Seriously, it's like I'm watching a mini soap opera.

Short Summary:

Shawn asked Rachel out, but she said no. That was about a month ago.

Mandy has been off and on in love with Shawn since 7th grade, when he said he liked her. She couldn't date him because her parents disapproved.

When she finally could go out with him, she said she didn't like him anymore. Sorry.

Mandy still likes him.

Shawn likes a meanie (nice word) girl named Lee now. Lee hates Mandy. Mandy and Shawn are still good friends.

Rachel is going out with Ian, who is best friends with Shawn. Rachel decided that she doesn't like Ian and she went out with him to make Shawn jealous. Now, in order to break up with Ian she is pretending to like a guy from religion, to make it easier. HUH?

Jan is pissed a Rachel for doing this and told Ian. Jan is Rachel's friend.

Jan, Mandy, Rachel and Shawn are all venting and complaining to me, Evon who has no clue how she got caught up in this drama, when she has no part in any of it.

I am expected to take sides.

Long enough? This only happened TODAY. I would have to write a novel to actually describe how this began in the 1st place.

Anyway, a good thing about Wednesday is American Idol. I LOVE Adam Lambert and Kris. I feel bad that Kris might get out soon.

I predict that Jorge and Jasmine are going to get voted out tonight!!!!!!!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Hey. My name isn't really Evon. It's something boring. Who wants that?

This blog started out as me making up a character (to put in a book or something), but then I decided to make a character... out of me? Does that sound weird? Well, whatever I write in this blog, is true, but maybe the names might be changed around a bit... because it makes it more fun for me and I don't want to hurt any body's feelings.

I turned thirteen in December, but I'm in a grade with 14-15 year olds. Not a genius. Just a late birthday.

I'm a random, babbling person, but only because I have a short attention span. Really, I'm not stupid or anything!

I want to be a writer, but that isn't very creative! Anthropology is cool.

Have you ever wondered why vampire books were so popular? I do frequently. I think its from a lack of creativity. My goal in life is to write some little book about vampires, but make it s out there that no one really thinks of it as a vampire book.

Dang. That was off topic.

Anyway. Here I am!

The only problem (uh... Evon? You're going off topic again) about the whole writing thing is that I'm in a slump. What's a slump, you may ask. Well, dear reader, I'm not absolutely sure, but I have diagnosed my self with "Writers Slump" meaning everything I write sounds like poo.

I don't like long posts, either, because I tend to ramble. I also enjoy leaving messed up comments, though sometimes I'm serious. If you get one, don't be offended.
